Tuesday, July 04, 2006

happy independence day

Ok im totally pissed. I just wrote this HUGE post about my first forth of july and somehow while i was working on it this yahoo search site popped up, navigating me away from my posting page. I frantically hit BACK over and over, and of course its gone, my awesome post is gone and lost forever. Man that pisses me off. And its not like i was only half way thru, i was finnishing up. ARG. In fact, im so pissed im not even going to try to recreate my awesome last entry, and instead ill leave you with something ive been mulling over today. Why do americans call independence day "fourth of july" in conversation? I mean, no one says "happy independence day" they all say "happy fourth of july". Canadians dont say "happy july first" they say "happy canada day". In fact, no other holiday is refered to by its date, instead of its holiday name. Could you imagine? "Happy december 25th!" I mean, its just strange dont you think?


Oakley said...

It's because half the American population wouldn't be able to pronounce the holiday then.

Oakley said...

i just realized that even though its not a holiday....9/11 could count

itinerant_tee said...

i refer you back to the first statement of your sentence.

Oakley said...

yea well.......*sicks tongue out*

Anonymous said...

i hate when posts fuck up, as hard as you try, you can never recapture the original- jappens to me on lj all the bloody time- argh! did you have a good time on your first american pride holiday?


itinerant_tee said...

lol kat.. was that an intentional typo? nice work my friend. I have to say that independence day was stellar. The whole fireworks being legal is totally nuts. Nothing like booze, gun powder, and houses that are closer together than the properties in vancouver east side to make for a wild time. Seriously though, it was totally cool... my neighbour behind me was lighting off fireworks and they were raining down on my balcony. It was like my own private show. It was a perfect first 4th of july..er i mean independence day.. topped off with standing beside a wierdo in the croud for the official city fireworks -- who was more interested in video taping the croud than the pyrotechnics. I swear i have a magnet for em. I mean, its how i met you, right?

Anonymous said...

i seem to remember our meeting as slightly less creepy...well, the first time you met ME anyways! i'd had YOU staked out for weeks at that point, before i finally decided it was time to move forward with my devious plan, and introduce myself...mwahahahaha!
lol and it's all going perfectly, well, ALMOST perfectly- this whole moving to cali thing has put a slight damper on my plan...give me time, i'll think of a way around it!
sounds like you had an amazing time- am so happy for you sweet girl! and just remember, you're an east van baby- creepy men too close? that's what elbows are for! lol
love you

Anonymous said...

Oakley, it's not nice to make fun of americans. and Cali_t, that goes for you too.

Yes, we all say forth of july. we do it because everyone outside of the USA is always slagging us about being so gung ho partriotic, so we down play it a little

Pffft! there's no pleasing you people. If we don't get involved in a war, like ww1 and ww2 we get bitched at for decades and if we do get involved we are war mongers. What's a country to do???

Anonymous said...

t doesn't make fun of americans- she IS american! some things seem strange to her after living in a different country for most of her life, but that doesn't mean she's slagging you guys! t is in the position of constantly defending her fellow USAers from us crazy canucks- don't you all start on her too! lol

and no, i don't hate americans either- i had a baby with one!
cheers, kat :)

Oakley said...

pfft i'm american, i can make fun of my own people as much as i want