Id forgo a pair of socks, even my most comfie ones, just to confirm my rightness in an argument. And i know that a few (if not all) of you would make the same sacrifice.
As for everything else here in monterey... its quiet -- which is nice. Nothing too eventful has happend, but tomorrow is american thanksgiving. We got a bird to stuff and cook, and Christopher has a 4 day weekend. So, technically today is his friday... weeeeeeeeeee!
Ive taken a few random pictures over the last bit here, and wanted to post about em, but they dont really constitute their own post, so.. i figured id do like what sitcoms do when they dont have any bright ideas for a new episode, ill do a clips episode -- a picture montage. Im not sure this picture turned out well enough for people to be able to tell what it is. I know cause i took it. But, we had the coolest full moon here the other week, and thats a shot of it, comming up between the trees.
This is a picture of el gato. He likes to come in and pose for me. Turned out kinda cool i think. I took like a hundred (ok im exagerating) so i was bound to get a good one. He was in here the other day, and didnt like the fact that i was paying attention to the computer instead of him, so he hopped up infront of the monitor. Please note his unimpressed look.
You can really see the fog in that one, when it blows in like that, its like sitting in the clouds -- you can totally just watch them blow by. That day in particular, it was pretty strange.. the fog was rolling in up the hill, then it would receed again, only to slowly crawl back up the hill. It was like the ocean was breathing in cold enough weather to be able to see each breath.
This last shot is the same one that i posted above, i just kinda farked around with it on this arty photoshop like program. I thought it turned out kinda cool, so i figured id post it.
Well, thats the end of my clips montage. Hope you enjoyed it, please tune in again next week, same time, same place.
LOL- proving a loved one wrong is MORE than enough reason to sacrifice a pair of socks..god knows i've sacrificed more for the same result! lol
the pics are gorgeous- i love the moon one especially, and the way you described the fog- who knew you were so poetic? i love you lots and lots sweetie, and hope you guys have a good weekend.
kat xxx
Hey T!
I noticed you have a webcam -- we should Skype it :)
I like your cat WAY more than i like our bunny. Her name was supposed to be Layla, but now we just call her "Dinner". :P
it's snowing here- i shit you not. it's been dumping snow here for HOURS now, i can't bloody believe it! i am envying you california right now like you wouldn't believe!
just thought i'd let you know...stupid snow!
love kat xxx
I logged into my msn, to find that some ones personal message was set to "its snowing" so i had to call my mom to see. I also looked at the SFU live cam to see what it looked like up there. Its pretty, and better than the rain... too bad it has to be fucking cold to snow. After a super sunny week, its finally turned grey today, and just started raining about an hour ago -- so dont be wishing for monterey weather today. Miss you guys.
i miss you so much...yea, it's been dumping snow here for 2 days now, and it does look really pretty. it's just that it snows here so rarely, that no one's prepared for it! winter clothes? why would we need that, we live in VAN! extra hoodies work just as well! i'm finding out just how false that is! lol come here and play in the snow!!!!!!! (tho i'd still trade weather with you- rain i'm used to!) love you and miss you so much!
ok, it's so not funny anymore- it's STILL snowing! wtf? what happened to vancouver and it's infamous rain? this is just retarded- and not in a cute downs syndrome kind of way- this is scary retarded, like the guy on the bus who wears a helmet and is constantly rubbing himself through his pants, while making intense eye contact...or the guy who mutters increasingly louder about people watching him, and then whips his head around to you, and says he's going to bite your eyes out....that kind of retarded. sure, you could call that mentally ill, but then that doesn't work with my little scenario. how can snow be mentally ill? sheesh! (that's what's known as circular logic my friend- it's my specialty! lol)
love your incredibly random, sleep deprived kitty kat xxx
shit, it snowed over a foot. I posted some pix -- will take more on campus. I think the last time it was this much snow was the winter of 98.
Aaah yes...I remember that winter. That was pretty cool. I think right now though I'd take that stupid rain back in a second. Last night I got trapped in my car. My doors froze shut! Seriously. I had to climb out a window.
How's that for a headline?
"Langley woman dies trapped in frozen car right in front of her own home"
t baby- that online msg thing DOES work! yayyyy! dave doesn't have a postal code- crazy kiwis! i'll try to find out the other thing as well....
love you lots
thanks kat. Man o man, ive seen the pictures of the snow. My mom sent me some, and i checked out tom and mel's blog and saw some more. Looks like you folks had a blizzard and a retarded one at that.. hehe
Cheryl, i cant believe you got frozen into your car. Im guessing that post was from you. Only one of my friends could accomplish that.
It by no means freezing, but it sure is getting colder here. It was about 12 degrees celcius today, but the sun was shining... so thats nice. Things are the same here, nice, quiet. Miss you all..
who lives in Langley? And why?
This is a comment...a real comment! I love your kitty, btw - what a beauty.
A nod to the affirmative, that was well work a perfectly good sock sacrifice. Its my second favorite foot picture in your whole blog...only ecliped by the nasty toothpic in toe! :O
haha - Al
Hey T,
long time no blog, eh?
Our shitty times are turning--we got our van back! Yay! And a new place for January--it's got windows!!And a balcony!!! Joy oh joy, what will I do with all that light?
I gotta agree with your friend Al about the tooth-pick-in-the-toe pic, it's a fave of mine, lol.
You got your van back?? how the hell did that happen??? that never happens!!!
Where abouts is your new place? Hows school?
FYI AL is anita. ;)
mel and tom- that's really good news about the van and the place! congrats! tiresa, when are you going to post something new? i've been waiting SO (im)patiently! lol
miss you sweet girl
kat xxx
ya ya ya... soon. I promise. Maybe even later today if i get bored enough.
miss you
So I got this Christmas card today....Got a little worried that you'd turned into little Sally hommeaker...that is, until you ended it with, "And all that crap."'s nice when some things stay the same.
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