Id forgo a pair of socks, even my most comfie ones, just to confirm my rightness in an argument. And i know that a few (if not all) of you would make the same sacrifice.
As for everything else here in monterey... its quiet -- which is nice. Nothing too eventful has happend, but tomorrow is american thanksgiving. We got a bird to stuff and cook, and Christopher has a 4 day weekend. So, technically today is his friday... weeeeeeeeeee!
Ive taken a few random pictures over the last bit here, and wanted to post about em, but they dont really constitute their own post, so.. i figured id do like what sitcoms do when they dont have any bright ideas for a new episode, ill do a clips episode -- a picture montage. Im not sure this picture turned out well enough for people to be able to tell what it is. I know cause i took it. But, we had the coolest full moon here the other week, and thats a shot of it, comming up between the trees.
This is a picture of el gato. He likes to come in and pose for me. Turned out kinda cool i think. I took like a hundred (ok im exagerating) so i was bound to get a good one. He was in here the other day, and didnt like the fact that i was paying attention to the computer instead of him, so he hopped up infront of the monitor. Please note his unimpressed look.
You can really see the fog in that one, when it blows in like that, its like sitting in the clouds -- you can totally just watch them blow by. That day in particular, it was pretty strange.. the fog was rolling in up the hill, then it would receed again, only to slowly crawl back up the hill. It was like the ocean was breathing in cold enough weather to be able to see each breath.
This last shot is the same one that i posted above, i just kinda farked around with it on this arty photoshop like program. I thought it turned out kinda cool, so i figured id post it.
Well, thats the end of my clips montage. Hope you enjoyed it, please tune in again next week, same time, same place.