Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Seven deadly sins

Ahhhh too true too true. Kootoes to whomever was brilliant enought to plot this out. Im going to hell.


T+M. K. said...

HAHAHAHA this is the best application of graph theory i've seen yet!

Anonymous said...

graph theory at it's finest! i'm not actually smart enough to have known that that's what this was- shamelessly cribbing off tom and mel's post! lol anyways, i likes it! missing you so much t...i'm all pathetic and miserable- have the flu and fractured my (wait for it.....) BIG TOE! i can't believe one small appendage could hurt this much! wish you were here to mock me... love you! kat

Anonymous said...

I think the graph is great but they missed an important one. Saggy skin with low jeans and a crop top.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out your pitiful profile. You sound incredibly boring. there are a lot of interesting things you could say to spice that baby up. For instance...instead saying you are a Leo you could say what I say when someone asks when you were born, I always say. "Oh my Gawd. She's such a Leo!"

You could talk about university and Canada and the trials of having Cajun upbringing in Canada. Your friends certainly would give you good material. Their all weird as shit - Woops. Other people will read this won't they. You don't even have a picture!

*Mama makes a rude mouth noise* Get back there and do a better job or I will be forced to spank you.

itinerant_tee said...

hahaha... your the best. I know my profile is crappy, and a total cop out. Ill work on it.

Anonymous said...

lol- gerry i love you, even tho once again, i prolly spelled your name wrong! you're so spot on, especially about how wierd most of tiresa's friends are! i just look at them and shake my head sometimes, but thankfully she has me to keep things normal and DID mean "your friends are all wierd except that delightful kat girl"...right? right? ....hello? LOL

much love to both of my southern... is there a phrase that sums you all up? i think "southern belles" would prolly get my ass kicked from here to tennessee...and do southern belles even kick ass? in the books i've read, they're just always getting the vapours and depending on men to rescue them from shit... so no, southern belles would be a misnomer (as well as getting me a world of hurt..) how about much love to both my cajun queens? tho that does kinda sound like maybe i'm talking about gay men dressed in peacock feathers and glitter at mardis, the more i talk, the more i'm gonna get hurt hey? funny how that works...
ok, let's just say much love to the toughest southern ladies it has ever been my pleasure to meet... is that one ok? please don't hurt me... i'll be good, i promise!
kat (the normal one! lol) xxx